Jakob, Creator of 911 Percent
What do you dream about doing?
If there was something you could be doing right now…like if you could drop everything and do this one thing what would it be?
This is a question that’s everyone’s thought about from time to time. But life gets in the way and we often end up doing what we do and dreaming of what we’d like to do.
Jakob Pospieszynski decided that he’d like to spend more time with his Porsche. From a humble beginning participating on car forums, Jakob turned his passion into a streamlined YouTube channel releasing weekly shows about his Porsche 993. and…while building subscribers on YouTube he also built a significant Instagram following.
Jakob using his OSMO
Jakob using his OSMO
Whatever you are communicating needs to be as authentic as possible.
Jakob Pospieszynski
It takes persistence and hours of hard work to build a community, especially on YouTube.